Sabtu, 03 Maret 2012

If men know ..

If men know ..When a woman falls in love, the man was not necessarily have everything but the man is all in his heart.
If men know ..When a woman's tears, that does not mean he is weak, but he was looking for the strength to remain steadfast love of the man.
If men know ..When a woman is angry, is he not able to control his feelings but trust me, it means he is very caring and loving man. Just look at the new couple in love, they rarely berantem. But believe their growing affection, the more is a lot of things happen.
If men know ..When a shrew, he never meant to make you risih, but the man knew he wanted a closer.
If men know ..When she said she would like you to change, that does not mean he does not want to accept you as they are, but he wants to make you better, not for himself, but for your future.
If men know ..When her jealous and do not believe you, does not mean he does not love him too .. but still love you and you assume that young children who still need attention. sometimes he is too worried if too believe, you will betray the trust given. Keibuannya instinct is very strong. He only wants the best for you.
If men know ..When her sulk, do not say he melebay-lebay. He is not be persuaded with money or gifts, but enough with the attention that can make her feel appreciated.
If men know ..When women are rarely say 'i love u', it does not mean he does not love you but she wants the man to feel self-love, not only absent in words but also through body language.
If men know ..When she said she love you, he really mean it.
If men know ..When the woman told the other man is better than you, do not believe what he said because he just want to test you. He wanted to see how far you are willing to be the best in his eyes. Although the fact is you are the best in him. As long as he is with you, believe me, even though there are still many women assume that better in the eyes but in his heart, you are still the best.
If men know ..When the woman be mocked, he is not meant to be mocked, but he wants to see the extent to which man is able to be patient with sikanya. Believe me, she is very soft heart.
If men know ..When the woman said, "please leave me!", He does not intend ever tell you to go. He just wanted to calm his mind a little. When he became calm again, believe he will find you again. It's a sign he really love you. Female hard to control myself. She was too emotional. But he that loves you and is very sensitive to changes in yourself.
If men know ..Indeed, God created man and woman with a distinctive difference. But if they understand each other, they will complement and complete. The woman was created by God's wonderful. In spite of her tears, retained a thousand and one strength that will make a man feel safe with him. Despite the fact she looks weak, but his own strength that can shake the world and can also make a man may be weak because of it. So appreciate the presence of a woman in your life because he comes not with weakness but he also had power to menyongkong you and make your life better. He who would become her career, she is also the best mother for your ANAK2.
Copyright belongs to God alone. Our rights as human beings are racing spreading the good word to all mankind.
It was a happy man who has found true love .. like prayer beads & thread binder .. terajut be a string that always touched one by one by the noble man who wet his lips would love to His Lord

Hopefully this simple script useful to you. Apologize for any words that are less pleased. Allah knows best Bish-shawab
Hopefully beneficial. Insha AllahWhenever this is felt beneficial for the Companions?Spread with then clicking the "share / share" under this entry,CHANGES may lead to better this nation & the charity jariyah for us all, aamiin ... :-)

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